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The Icon Bar: News and features: Archive magazine updates

Archive magazine updates

Posted by Mark Stephens on 18:19, 15/3/2022 |
We have had an update from Gavin, the Archive magazine. He says it much better than we could, so (with permission) over to him....

15th March 2022 — There have been five issues of Archive Magazine published since Jim's sad passing, with the upcoming issue completing the current volume. There could hardly have been a worse time to take on such an endeavour, with a pandemic, homeschooling, caring for family members with health issues, a new baby in the house (hi Louis!), not to mention working from home on the day job, but I could not let Archive slip away. I know that the last year or two have been hard on a lot of people, and nobody likes excuses, but sometimes there is a knock-on effect on an enthusiast market such as RISC OS. There are things that I had hoped to achieve in my first year as Archive editor that just didn't happen — but they're coming. They are:
- a brand new website, including subscriber area, so that readers can check how many issues are left on their subscription and update their details
- begin publishing Archive's extensive back catalogue under a permissive license. There is a wealth of knowledge in Archive's twenty-five volumes. As issues turn five years old, they will be made freely available for anyone to download from the Archive website
- Archive Archived, the new name for the Archive DVD
- and, most importantly, Archive will have a solid publishing schedule
To make sure the above happen, I have made changes to my working hours. Thank you for your patience.
Archive 25:6 will be published in April, with a deadline for news, articles and other contributions of 8th April. The first issue of volume 26 will be published in June.
I'm pleased to say that the level of interest in the magazine (and RISC OS in general) is high. Archive currently has a (slightly optimistic) print run of 500 copies, with a subscriber count in the region of several hundred. The majority of these are, of course, long-time readers, but Archive often gets orders from curious ex-subscribers, who stumble across the magazine on the Internet and are surprised it is still running. There is also a healthy little readership of non-mainstream computing enthusiasts — Linux and Amiga users, for example — checking out what RISC OS has to offer, or who have been attracted by a particular article. When volume 25 completes next month, there will be a mailshot sent out to subscribers who lapsed years ago. Hopefully some will come back onboard. The mailshot will also have some room to update lapsed subbers on the RISC OS scene generally. Please get in touch if you'd like your project or product mentioned.
You may have noticed Steve Fryatt's announcement that the Wakefield show will not be returning to its usual venue of the Cedar Court Hotel, due to over-running refurbishments. Wherever the event takes place, Archive hopes to be able to attend and support the show. I encourage everyone to keep the 21st May free in their diaries, and standby for further information.
If you have emailed me and haven't received a reply by Friday 18th March, please re-send it. The address is gavin@archivemag.co.uk
Missed out on the latest volume? Pre-order a complete set of volume 25, including the new issue, for just £29.99. This is a UK price, made possible by savings on postage. For other locations, please enquire.
Enjoy the next year of Archive (six issues) by subscribing now.
Digital edition £35
UK print edition £40
UK print AND digital editions £45
EU subscriptions are digital-only for now
Rest of the world print edition £56
Rest of the world print AND digital editions £61
Details at Archive website
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Archive magazine updates